Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wandering and Pondering

Here we are. wandering and walking. collecting things that make our hearts sing and resisting the things that entangle our spirits. Longing for communion with our Savior even if we don't know it. Images from the Garden that our cells remember. Sojourners just passing through. Waiting and yearning for the final reunion with our Father God, Creator. 

So when you find yourself inspired. breathless. with goosebumps. or captivated unwillingly...stop. store. ponder. reflect. collect. ask God what He's doing and praise Him for these good things that remind you that there's so much more to come. glimpses into heaven. just glimpses. 

So here's a collection. collectibles from my journey. treasured things. not to become worthless treasured idols but people, places, and things that point to a good and gracious God who cares about the moments. 
A collection from abroad and within.

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